When the heating system in your Richardson, TX, home breaks down, you’ll inevitably face a difficult decision. You’ll have to choose between paying for a repair to get your heating system running again and replacing it altogether. Both options can have significant financial ramifications as well as consequences for your home’s comfort. Here’s how to know if a heating system repair or replacement is your best option.
Consider Your Heating System’s Age
There are multiple types of home heating systems, each with its own average lifespan. It matters how old your heating system is relative to its expected lifespan. For example, if you have an electric furnace, you can expect it to last 20 to 30 years. If you have a natural gas furnace, you should only expect it to last between 15 and 20 years. Heat pumps typically last for around 15 years. If your heating system is nearing the upper limits of its expected lifespan, repairing it is inadvisable. It would likely only delay the inevitable need to replace your system, and possibly not for very long. Most heating systems experience the most frequent breakdowns within the final few years of their useful lives, so a repair may only buy you a few months of reliable operation.
Consider the Cost of the Repair
You should also consider the cost of the repair that your heating system needs relative to the cost of replacing it. In general, any repair that costs more than 50% of what it would cost for a new system isn’t worth completing. The logic behind this is simple. A costly repair is still a significant financial risk. You’ll have no guarantee that you won’t need subsequent repairs. Therefore, choosing an expensive repair could put you in the position of having to invest more money if your heating system breaks down again.
For costs lower than 50% of what a replacement costs, you can follow something called the rule of $5,000. It states that if you multiply the cost of the necessary repair by the age of your heating system and get a number higher than $5,000, the repair isn’t worth it. This formula essentially lets you know how much use you’ve gotten out of your furnace already relative to the repair costs. If your heating system already gave you your money’s worth, it’s best to move on.
Consider Repair Frequency
You should also consider how often you’ve had to repair your heating system before you make your decision. If you’ve had to pay for a heating system repair more than once in any 12-month span, it’s a sign that your heating system may be nearing the end of its useful life. At that point, you’d be well served by considering a replacement because it would almost certainly save you money in the long run.
Consider Your Heating System’s Performance
Finally, you should consider your existing heating system’s performance before you decide between a repair and a replacement. Think back to the last time your heating system was still working normally. Was your home as comfortable as you’d like it to be? Were you noticing unusually high energy bills or bills that kept steadily climbing? If your heating system wasn’t meeting your needs and expectations before it broke down, it still won’t meet them after a repair.
If you choose a new system, you’ll get the chance to pick a heating system that meets your current and future needs. You can select a high-efficiency heating system to keep your operating costs low and even resize your heating system to improve your comfort, if necessary. Then, you can look forward to years of reliable, cost-effective comfort instead of uncertainty.
Whether the heating system in your Richardson home needs a repair or you want a replacement, Cool Experts AC is the place to turn. We take pride in having the finest HVAC technicians in the area. They can make short work of your heating repair or install the new heating system you need. We offer complete HVAC services, including installation, repair, and maintenance, and we also offer indoor air quality solutions. Plus, we’re Better Business Bureau-accredited with an A+ rating, so you can count on top-quality workmanship and customer service. When your Richardson home needs a heating system repair or replacement, contact Cool Experts AC right away.