We live in a polluted world, and the air inside the average building is particularly dirty. It can be terrible for your health, especially with routine exposure. Unfortunately, most of us spend the majority of our time indoors. We frequently expose ourselves to hazardous concentrations of air pollution. It is vital to understand the risks and have a way to deal with the most common air pollutants.

1. Volatile Organic Compounds

Paint, glue, cleaning solutions, and other household chemicals release volatile organic compounds. They can even come from printers, furniture, and other surprising items. Volatile organic compounds are hazardous gases that can irritate your eyes and skin. In high concentrations, they can make you dizzy, cause nausea, or give you a headache. Long periods of exposure may cause chronic health issues.

While you can try to minimize your use of chemicals, you will never avoid all of these compounds. If you need to work with chemicals, do it in an area with good ventilation to minimize your exposure. You can also use carbon filters to eliminate the compounds from the air. That is the best way to stop them from building up inside your home.

2. Animal Dander

If you have furry pets, your home contains animal dander. It is a common allergen that can cause respiratory problems. Fortunately, good grooming will help to keep your dander problem under control. Brush your pets frequently and consider giving them regular baths. That will eliminate most of the dander, and you can use an air filter to get rid of the rest.

3. Bacteria and Viruses

Airborne bacteria and viruses cause many respiratory diseases. It is essentially impossible to prevent them from entering your home, but you can destroy them. UV light purifiers are the best option. They work by drawing contaminated air into a chamber and shining UV light on it. The lights will destroy most microbes. These purifiers thoroughly disinfect the air without using hazardous chemicals.

4. Mold and Mildew Spores

Mold and mildew are inevitable in moist areas, such as bathrooms and basements. They spread by releasing spores into the air. Unfortunately, those spores often cause allergic reactions. Some species are also toxic.

Air filters can trap spores, but they are not always necessary. You can prevent most mold growth with a dehumidifier. Mold and mildew prefer humid environments, so their spores won’t grow if the air is too dry. Your dehumidifier will create a hostile environment that prevents the mold from spreading.

5. Dust

Dust is one of the most common airborne particles. Like most particles, it can irritate your respiratory system and cause congestion. Routine cleaning can reduce the amount of dust in your home, but it will not solve the problem.

Most air ducts are full of dust. As air flows through the ducts, it will carry the dust back into your home. The dust can also escape through cracks in the ducts. Prevent this from happening by having professionals clean and repair them. Duct cleaning is quick and easy, but it makes a big difference.

6. Nitrogen Dioxide

Nitrogen dioxide is a poisonous gas that comes from burning fossil fuels. It will be present in your home if you use a gas stove. Nitrogen dioxide can also come from leaky gas furnaces or from burning wood. If you expose yourself to it, you may develop lung problems and have trouble breathing.

The aforementioned appliances are safe if you use them properly. You should only use them in areas with good ventilation and be sure to maintain them properly to avoid leaks. Activated carbon filters remove nitrogen dioxide from the air, but ventilation is the key to preventing exposure while you are using appliances.

Call the Air Purity Specialists

At Cool Experts AC, we believe that we have a responsibility to our community and our customers in Plano, TX. It is our job to protect our neighbors from air pollution. Our skilled technicians will improve your home’s indoor air quality. They can also handle most heating and air conditioning projects. We prioritize training and experience, which makes it easy for us to diagnose and solve most problems.

Air pollution is an unpleasant fact of life. If you want to keep it out of your home, call Cool Experts AC today to schedule a meeting with our team. We look forward to resolving your air quality issues.

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